Tradematic Support Center
Guides, articles, videos and links for Tradematic users and developers.
Exhanges, brokerage companies, instruments
Which exchanges are available for trading?
— All stock exchanges (stocks, ETFs, currencies) that are available for clients of Interactive Brokers and Alpaca: NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, LSE and others.
— Currencies and CFDs via MetaTrader 4/5 terminal or Oanda brokerage company.
— Bitfinex, Binance, Poloniex, Coinbase Pro, Ethfinex, HitBTC, Kraken, Midex.
What instruments are available for trading?
— Stocks
— ETFs
— Currencies
— CFDs
— Cryptocurrencies
Contacting support
System requirements
Hard drive space: 100 MB
Supported operating system: Windows 7 or higher
Installed Microsoft .NET Framework distribution package version 4.6 or higher. You can download it from the Microsoft site.
What information to provide to the support service?
The support needs your computer ID — click on the “Help” menu button, then “About the software”. Please describe the problem in details. If it is possible, attach a screenshot of the program (press the Prt Sc button on the keyboard, then paste it in the letter).
Tradematic for MacOS
To launch Tradematic Trader in MacOS, use Parallels Desktop (software product of Parallels company).
Where are the logs stored?
In the program, select "Help", then "Open the folder with logs.". A folder with logs will open. Usually the support needs a file with the last change date.
Also it is possible to do it manually:
For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\Application Data\TradeMatic LLC\Data\Logs
For Windows Vista/7/8/10: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TradeMatic LLC\Data\Logs
Payment and billing
How to purchase the software?
You can buy our software on our site or in the Tradematic Trader program.
Is it possible to pay with card?
Yes, we accept all main payment systems, such as Visa, MasterCard/Maestro, Qiwi and others.
Is it possible to sign in from different computers using the same license?
No, a license is purchased per computer.
The license is purchased only one time?
The license for our software is provided on a monthly subscription basis. Receive a significant discount by purchasing 3, 6 or 12-month subscription.
Is it possible to install the program on another computer?
Yes. To do this, please contact the support service on transfering a license key to another computer. With one license it is possible to use the program only from one computer.
Trading strategies
Is it possible to change strategy rules after creating a strategy in the Strategy Wizard?
Of course.
How to copy a strategy?
If you want to copy your strategy, click the right mouse button on the strategy, then "Copy", then again click the right mouse button and choose "Paste".
Which programming languages can be used to develop strategies?
If it is not enough of capabilities of the Strategy Wizard, you can use the Formula Editor or the Code Editor and C#.
Where are the strategy files stored?
In the program, select "Help", then "Open the folder with strategies."
To do it manually:
For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\Application Data\TradeMatic LLC\Data\Strategies
For Windows Vista/7/8/10: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TradeMatic LLC\Data\Strategies
How to upload a strategy?
Each strategy is an xml and a chart image files.
To copy or upload a strategy as a file, open the folder with strategies and copy or upload two files into this folder: STRATEGY_NAME.xml and STRATEGY_NAME.jpg
What is the maximum amount of historical data to load?
Currently the limit for intraday data is 50000 bars, for daily data — 1000 bars. To test a strategy on a longer period of time, please use text data or export data from the data-server.
What trading timeframes are available?
Currently you can use minute (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30), hourly (1, 2, 4), daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data.
Is it possible to create my own indicator?
Order management
Which price are orders submitted at?
If limit orders are selected in the settings, orders are submitted at the closing price of the bar, taking into account the slippage value (which is specified in the settings at the “Commission” tab).
Otherwise orders are submitted at the market price.
What type of orders can be submitted by the program?
Limit or market orders are submitted, depending on the settings selected at the "Orders" tab.
When does the signal come from the strategy? Does it come immediately when conditions are triggered or it comes after the closing of the bar?
By default, signal is executed at the closing of the bar. If you want to execute a signal immediately when conditions are triggered, please ask support.
How is a position size calculated?
The value of the portfolio is considered for calculating the position size.
For example, if you receive a signal for buying stocks worth 10% of the account, and the account value is 100,000, then the program will acquire stocks for 10,000.
In which cases does a signal get rejected (skipped for execution)?
A signal has been rejected on the order management level, if signals quantity at the "Signals" tab equals to 0 and there is no orders on this signal.
For example, if a signal for selling is received, but there are no such stocks for the account.
Another example: if conditions are triggered (e.g. crossover of indicators), but the signal has not been received (i.e. there are no arrows and signs for that bar).
The reason is in the algorithm of position size calculating.
Another example: signal is rejected, if it is received for buying stocks worth 10% of the account, but there is only 5% of the account which is available, taking into account the leverage.
To buy for remaining funds, set the option "Buy for remaining funds" at the "Strategies" tab in the settings.
What trading modes are available?
There are 3 trading modes:
Automatic — all signals are executed automatically Semi-automatic — to execute a signal, the system needs a manual confirmation
Manual — after signals are listed, orders are submitted manually
Is it possible to run a few strategies at the same time?
Yes, sure.
Is it possible to run a few strategies for the same account?
Yes. To do this, you need to select synchronization at the "Synchronization" tab in the settings.
Is it possible to trade manually?
Sure! You can submit orders, analyze charts with price and indicators, etc.
I have some particular stock worth 5% of the account. What will happen, when a signal for buying the same stock worth 10% of the account is received and executed?
Synchronization considers stocks that are available for the account. The remaining 5% of stock will be acquired.
I have some particular stock worth 5% of the account. What will happen, when a signal for closing this stock position is received and executed?
This stock position will be closed for the account, there will be 0% of this stock for the account.